
Thank you

 Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First, I’d like to thank everyone for their expressions of sympathy on the loss of my furry friend.  It’s been hard adjusting to the change.  Callie’s illness came on so quickly and took me by complete surprise and left me deeply saddened in its wake.  Callie’s sister and littermate, Mojo doesn’t understand what has happened and still spends a portion of her day searching all her sister’s favourite hiding spots.  When she’s not looking for her sister, she’s glued to my side.  It’s going to take some time for us all to adjust to the change, I guess.


But, this is a blog about my needlework and it’s time I got back to it.  There’s just going to be a little less cat hair in my work from now on.


I’ve had a slight case of stitcher’s ADD recently and have been jumping around of project to project…  I seem to be unable to really focus on my large pieces right now, so small things have come out to play…..


I’ve fallen dreadfully behind on my monthly ornaments, but I have managed some super-duper catching up this past month – I actually completed 3 of them.  I’m still not caught up, but now I’m only 3 months behind instead of 6.  :-)


First up:



Got Snow? by Lizzie*Kate

From Tiny Tidings XIV

stitched on random 28-count pulled from stash

with recommended GAST & WDW

(pardon the wrinkles)





Jingle by Lizzie*Kate

From Tiny Tidings XIV

stitched on random 28-count pulled from stash

with recommended GAST & WDW

And last:



Halloween by Mill Hill (Autumn Harvest Collection)

Stitched on 14-count perforated paper with included beads and floss (kit)


I loved this little piece – the colours are even prettier in person.  And since I’ve finished this piece – does anyone want the chart, leftover beads and floss?  There are probably enough beads to stitch the piece again.  You’d just need to provide your own perforated paper and perhaps some additional floss (it’s all just DMC though – the numbers are on the chart!)….  If more than one person is interested, I’ll do a random draw for it.


And I finally clued into it being TUSAL time…  I’m a bit late this month.



The jar took a decent jump upwards, considering the amount of upheaval around here this month….


Anyway, back to my stitching corner with my remaining kitty.

Rest in Peace

 Friday, August 12, 2011



June 16, 1995 – August 12, 2011

I’ll love you and miss you forever.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner….

 Monday, August 08, 2011

We made it home from the camping trip, bug-bitten (I stopped counting bites after I got to 50) and tired (hard to sleep when the guy in the next campsite insisted on revving up his Harley at 7AM!), but home safe.  We had a really great time (Harley-revving aside) and the weather co-operated too (only rained once).


So, do you want to know who’s next to join the Stitcherhood?  Do you?  Do you?  I did too this morning, so I plugged everyone’s name (except Silverlotus – after all, I got to join the Stitcherhood because of her!) into and here’s the name that came out the other side:


(drumroll, please)


Joy of My New Perspective


(and the crowd goes wild with applause!)


Congrats Joy and welcome to the Stitcherhood!  If you could please e-mail me at e k i l l i n s at r o g e r s dot c o m (remove spaces and replace the at and dot with the right things) with your snail-mail address, I’ll get your pattern off to you as soon as I can!


I’m sorry I couldn’t let everyone join the Stitcherhood.  But there’s just the one pattern to pass along!  I hope you’ll follow the pattern on its journey – maybe you will be next.  In the meantime, I’m going to have to update the blogroll – I’ve got some new blogs to read!

Second TUSAL for July

 Monday, August 01, 2011

Okay, so I’m a bit late.  This getting ready to go camping thing is consuming all my time!  We leave in just a couple of hours though (hopefully – still some packing to do!). 


Here’s my jar:


08 July 30 2011

I was actually surprised when I reached into my bag-thingy to pull out my ORTs – I didn’t think I’d been stitching that much – particularly in the last week or so.  But my little ORT jar took a gratifying jump, so maybe I stitched more than I thought I did!


Don’t forget to enter in the post below if you want a chance to join the Stitcherhood of the Travelling Pattern!  I’ll be back next Monday to announce the winner.  Good luck!  (And to those that have entered so far, thanks so much – I’m enjoying having a look at some new-to-me blogs!)


Off to finish my breakfast (it’s dark o-thirty here) and then get packing!  Behave yourselves while I’m gone!  :-)

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