Monday, July 27, 2009
On the road again.....
(sorry for the bad Willie Nelson reference....)
The project has had an exceptionally busy few days, going out and about in society, as it were.
First off, last Thursday (I know, but I was busy getting ready to go!), the project had the chance to go to the drive in movie theater that's about a 1/2 hr. drive away. It really, really, really wanted to see the newest installment in the Harry Potter series, so Thursday evening found us stitching and waiting for the movie to start:
All went well, until the heavens opened and we spent the first 1/2 hour of the movie huddled inside the van with 2 sweaty teenagers (DS#1 and his friend) and DS#2. The fug was enough to make me wish sincerely that I could open windows. Thankfully, the downpour soon eased and we were able to escape to our lawn chairs to watch the rest of the movie. It was an excellent movie and it has set things up perfectly for what should come in the end of this movie series. The movie wasn't entirely true to the 6th book and many things were missing or not handled in quite the way I would have chosen, but if it had been, the movie would have taken about 4 times as long! We all enjoyed ourselves, even though it made for a very late night.
The next day (Friday), we were trying to get up and out early, but we were all tired and we ended up departing home a good hour later than originally intended. Still, once we made it on the highway, we made good time. We stopped in Colborne to visit this landmark for the area:Still not sure what we stopped to see? Maybe this will help:
We stopped to see The Big Apple. It's big, it's red and it does look like an apple (that's DS#2 standing slightly to the right of the apple - he's 4'3" - the apple is big!). We couldn't go into the apple as it was closed for maintenance (darn it!), but we did enjoy wandering around inside the bakery and gift shop beside the apple. The bakery smelled amazing and left me craving apple pie with surprising ferocity. Being that we weren't going to be near a fridge for 3 days meant there was no point buying a pie, but I sure did want one! :-) I may end up making one later this week.
After our stop at the Big Apple, we were all getting hungry, so we drove on a bit further and stopped at my kids' #1 choice of eating out food:Greasy pizza consumed, we continued on to our final destination:
If you're wondering, it's pronounced GAN-on-ock-way, more or less. It's a beautiful small town. We checked into our hotel:
We didn't have a room with the Whirlpool tub - it would have cost an extra $120 and we just couldn't justify it, considering how little time we were likely to actually be in the room. Besides, how romantic would it really have been with the two DS' along? :-) Once we checked in and got settled the four of us went swimming at the hotel's pool and had a good time overall. Our stomachs were calling after our swim, so we got dressed and had a little drive around town and tried to decide what to eat for dinner. We ended up at the golden arches. The project wasn't enthused about it, so it declined to have its picture taken.
By the time we finished dinner, the rest of DH's family arrived and all the boys (DH, both my DS' two of my newphews and my BIL) and some of the girls (my SIL and niece) went in for another swim, splash and play around in the pool. We headed off for bed around 9:30 or so, but not before all the kids ended up in our room playing video games (DS#1 brought his Wii for playing in the van on the drive up and we hooked it up in the room too). My niece isn't so into the video game thing, so instead she asked to help me 'sew'. I get my needle through the fabric and in the right place, it's her job to pull the need all the way through. She was also starting to help push the needle into the fabric in the right place. I might have a stitcher on my hands soon. The traveling project really enjoyed having someone new to play with. I forgot to take a picture when she was helping me, but I grabbed this picture the next morning:She's the first person to willing hold my project and pose for a picture! :-)
Saturday morning found us heading to Fort Henry to step back into the mid-1800s and learn about military life of the time. There were tons of people dressed in appropriate costume and behaving just as expected for the time period. There are tons of interesting displays of all kinds of military arcana, various historical guns and cannons and lots of opportunity to get an idea of what life was like when the fort was an active military post. We all had fun wandering around and looking at everything.
The project stopped near the entrance for this shot:
We met up with a guard on our way in, but he's not permitted to acknowledge anyone, so he couldn't hold the project. He did stand still for a photograph though:I don't doubt for a minute that he was wondering what the heck we were doing, but he was unable to ask. I did tell him. Maybe it was a good thing that he couldn't respond to the crazy lady and her husband. :-)
The project insisted on having its picture taken with one of the cannons:
We stayed for dinner at the Fort and then watched their annual military Tattoo. Unfortunately, the Tattoo was rained out part way through, so we didn't get to see everything that they had planned but what we did see was excellent. I give tons of credit to the pipe band that played in a torrential downpour for at least 15 minutes while the finale's fireworks went off overhead. We had a sheltered spot to sit in, so we weren't soaked, just a bit damp about the edges. When the rain let up a bit we headed back to the hotel.
Sunday found us heading out for a boat tour around the 1,000 Islands. The project agreed to let me take a picture of it before we boarded the boat:
The tour was excellent - well narrated and interesting. The kids had a blast running around the boat - with 3 floors of boat to run around on, they didn't get bored. Funnily enough, we ran into a family that lives near us and whose kids go to the same school as DS#2. What are the chances of that?
One of my favourite pictures from the boat tour:After yet another meal at the golden arches (one of my nephews is severely allergic to peanuts, so the only 'safe' place he could eat was McDonald's), we all headed back to our respective homes.
We all had a great weekend and the project had lots of fun seeing all the things we did. The project is going to have a couple of weeks off now, as we're not going anywhere for the next bit (probably a good thing - I've got a model to stitch!). Camping is next on our agenda, but not until after DS#1's 13th birthday!