Creativ Festival Stash, SBQ and Random Bits.....
Well, let's see - it's been a busy week since I last posted. I haven't been stitching too terribly much, but there has been a little bit of it here and there....
I have been dilligently working on my Dragon Dreams Exchange piece - the stitching is almost done except that I ran out of one fibre. I'm waiting for re-inforcements there... I did gather together just about everything else needed though, so just another hour or so of stitching and a little more for final assembly and it'll be done. Pictures will have to wait, 'natch....
I went to the Spring Creativ Festival at the International Centre in Mississauga last weekend with my 'new' stitching friend. We had a wonderful time. The Spring show has definitely improved somewhat since it's resurrection a few years ago. There still isn't enough there to keep me interested for more than one day, but I did enjoy that one day a lot. We shopped at the needlework vendors (although there weren't many of those), we made soap (terrifically easy), we made a jeweled spider with Swarovski crystals - neat and easy project, we got lost in the Lens Mills fabric bolts, we made neat art cards...... It was a fantastic day overall. Here's the main stash acquisition:

I didn't pick up a huge quantity of charts or fibres as there wasn't a heck of a lot at the show I wanted. I did grab "More Precious than Gold" at the festival and got to see the model IRL. It's really lovely and I couldn't resist. I grabbed a bunch of Dinky Dyes as well. I have a very serious fibre addiction problem. Some really pretty fat quarters of fabric just jumped into my hands as well - some dragons, asian fans, sewing-themed and butterfly-themed... I've been lusting after a magnetic pincushion for a while now - particularly after I dropped my entire pinbox on the kitchen floor some months ago. Luckily I found it on sale for a song. I couldn't resist another rotary cutter either - and this one comes with a blade that will do a wavy cut. Toys! Lots and lots of toys! Whee!!!!!!!! :-)
The rest of my little world just keeps spinning - it's been busy with pizza day at school, Primary Literacy (a program that helps Grade 1's with their reading skills) and various other things. The weather has started improving slightly as well, so I've been clearing up the garden too. I made the investment in a new landscaping plan for the front of our house and I've been dreaming of winning the lottery so I could execute the whole plan all at once.... Seeing as that isn't too likely, I may just have to settle for doing a portion of the work this year and work the rest in as time and funds permit. The plan is just lovely though and well worth the price. At least now we have a direction! It'll soon be time to take down the birdfeeders and I'll miss my little feathered visitors to my backyard - we've had tremendous variety this winter, including a Peregrine Falcon (who admittedly was hunting the sparrows that we had in the backyard, but still...) and the first Blue Jay I've seen in years. I have a little cardinal couple that has been hanging out all winter too - I'm hopeful they'll build a nest and have babies! Ah Spring! :-)
I'm very behind on my blogging and I missed last weeks SBQ, so here it is:
Suggested Danielle (
Are you on "The Wagon?" If so, how long have you been on and how"serious" are you about it? If not, have you considered it?
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I admit that the whole concept of being on "The Wagon" is a relatively new idea to me and I've only known about it for less than a year. I have considered going on the wagon, but realize that for the most part, I've been on it for a few years! I don't buy stash with any kind of regularity and while I still possess more than I can stitch in 6 lifetimes, I'm not obsessively adding to it. I am trying this year to use more fabrics and fibres from my stash for stitching ornaments as I have a large number of small cuts of fabrics from Silkweaver's and Sugar Maple Fabrics and the like, so I guess that is wagon-ish behaviour.... How's that for a non-answer? :-)Back to the land of the models!