L*K Travelling Pattern has its bags packed – who’s next?
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I guess the title is pretty straightforward, right? Finally, I have gotten my act together and taken a picture of my finish of ‘Life’s A Stitch’. I’m embarrassed to admit that it’s actually been finished for over a week but I do have a good excuse!!!!!
You see, DH and I (and the boys too) have been avoiding a task for years. Many years. Yes, it’s the dreaded toy and crapola purge. We’ve spent the last week digging through boxes, throwing out crap (I mean really – when am I likely to use my notes from my first year of Calculus in University???) and deciding what to keep, what to toss and what to sell. A week of nose-to-the-grindstone work left me with an emptier house and a fuller garage. Solution for *that* problem – the mother of all garage sales. That was today’s adventure and we did really, really well. Got rid of tons of stuff and my boys have got a nice-sized addition to their LCD TV quest (they want to buy an LCD TV for the basement to use with the PS/3). There’s still a pile of trash to get rid of, but that’ll go soon enough.
So, I haven’t been stitching much for the last week – mostly because I’ve been too pooped and I couldn’t be bothered to turn on the computer either….
Anyway, excuses over – here’s my finish:
I really, really like how this turned out. It’s so pretty (or at least it is to my eyes). I’m leaning towards finishing it as a cube-it. We’ll see if/when I get around to it.
So, I’ve packed the pattern’s little suitcase (okay, so it’s an envelope!), and it’s all ready for flight to a new home. Here are the rules:
1. Comment on this post (and only this post) saying that you’d like to be part of the Stitcherhood.
2. You agree (if you are chosen) to stitch the design and send it along to the next person in a timely manner. If this means dropping everything in your rotation to concentrate on this project, so be it. If you can’t bring yourself to do this, DON’T SIGN UP!
3. You must have an active blog to participate. If you have a blog, but never post to it ~ you won’t be chosen to be the next stitcher.
4. This is a giveaway-type Travelling Pattern. That means you must follow it from blogger to blogger to enter each time it is ready to send along. Commenting on this post doesn’t make you a guaranteed part of the Stitcherhood.
To date, this pattern has been stitched by:
1. Angela, Hooked on Stitches, Ontario, Canada
2. Elisa, Old Ragged Threads, York, United Kingdom
3. Loretta, Loretta’s Stitching Blog, Manitoba, Canada
4. Silverlotus, Reflections in the Pond, Ontario, Canada
5. Erica, Erica’s Places, Ontario, Canada
If you would like a chance to be the next stitcher please leave a comment on this post only. The next stitcher will be chosen on Monday, August 8. I would choose someone sooner, but we’re leaving to go camping next week!
(and yes, I know it’s TUSAL day – I’ll post *that* tomorrow!)