
L*K Travelling Pattern has its bags packed – who’s next?

 Saturday, July 30, 2011

I guess the title is pretty straightforward, right?  Finally, I have gotten my act together and taken a picture of my finish of ‘Life’s A Stitch’.  I’m embarrassed to admit that it’s actually been finished for over a week but I do have a good excuse!!!!!


You see, DH and I (and the boys too) have been avoiding a task for years.  Many years.  Yes, it’s the dreaded toy and crapola purge.  We’ve spent the last week digging through boxes, throwing out crap (I mean really – when am I likely to use my notes from my first year of Calculus in University???) and deciding what to keep, what to toss and what to sell.  A week of nose-to-the-grindstone work left me with an emptier house and a fuller garage.  Solution for *that* problem – the mother of all garage sales.  That was today’s adventure and we did really, really well.  Got rid of tons of stuff and my boys have got a nice-sized addition to their LCD TV quest (they want to buy an LCD TV for the basement to use with the PS/3).  There’s still a pile of trash to get rid of, but that’ll go soon enough.


So, I haven’t been stitching much for the last week – mostly because I’ve been too pooped and I couldn’t be bothered to turn on the computer either….


Anyway, excuses over – here’s my finish:



I really, really like how this turned out.  It’s so pretty (or at least it is to my eyes).  I’m leaning towards finishing it as a cube-it.  We’ll see if/when I get around to it.


So, I’ve packed the pattern’s little suitcase (okay, so it’s an envelope!), and it’s all ready for flight to a new home.  Here are the rules:


1.  Comment on this post (and only this post) saying that you’d like to be part of the Stitcherhood.


2.  You agree (if you are chosen) to stitch the design and send it along to the next person in a timely manner.  If this means dropping everything in your rotation to concentrate on this project, so be it.  If you can’t bring yourself to do this, DON’T SIGN UP!


3.  You must have an active blog to participate.  If you have a blog, but never post to it ~ you won’t be chosen to be the next stitcher.


4.  This is a giveaway-type Travelling Pattern.  That means you must follow it from blogger to blogger to enter each time it is ready to send along. Commenting on this post doesn’t make you a guaranteed part of the Stitcherhood.


To date, this pattern has been stitched by:


1.  Angela, Hooked on Stitches, Ontario, Canada

2.  Elisa, Old Ragged Threads, York, United Kingdom

3.  Loretta, Loretta’s Stitching Blog, Manitoba, Canada

4.  Silverlotus, Reflections in the Pond, Ontario, Canada

5.  Erica, Erica’s Places, Ontario, Canada


If you would like a chance to be the next stitcher please leave a comment on this post only. The next stitcher will be chosen on Monday, August 8.  I would choose someone sooner, but we’re leaving to go camping next week!


(and yes, I know it’s TUSAL day – I’ll post *that* tomorrow!)

Progress and the mailman delivers!

 Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last week we went up to the cottage for a week of R&R.  The weather co-operated wonderfully – only the slightest bit of rain the entire week.  My ‘boys’ spent most of the time playing in the boats or the water or just hanging out doing next to nothing.


Naturally, I stitched, when I wasn’t fending off the mosquitoes.  They were bad this year!  DS#1 and I could both be nicknamed mosquito-bait.  But when they elected to leave us alone, I got to work on 3 different projects.


First up, CdC came out to play:



I’m almost up to the right hand corner.  It’s chugging along quite well.


Then for some variety (and no doubt because I was wishing for some slightly cooler weather – no a/c at the cottage!), Halloween Rules had some time spent on it:



Still enjoying this piece tremendously.


And then, because I was getting bored of all those little x’s, a canvaswork piece came out to play (thanks to my portable stand as well – I can’t do canvaswork without a stand):



This is a Carolyn Mitchell piece called ‘Golden Reminiscence’.  I took this as a class at the CreativFestival last fall.  I’m enjoying the variety of stitches, although the colour palette isn’t totally me.  I love how fast canvaswork comes together – I did most of this stitching in only a few hours of work.  Don’t even need to look at the pattern once I’ve got the stitch down.


The Canadian postal strike finally ended a couple of weeks ago, but mail is still very slow moving.  Slowly our mail is catching up and this week has had a few things starting to arrive.


A while ago, I won a giveaway from Barbara over at mainely stitching.  I had never seen this LHN chart before and I just had to enter.  Surprisingly, I won.  The mailman finally coughed it up today.  Barbara also included a lovely packet of spices & seasonings for a blueberry pie.  Can’t wait to try them out! (gotta get more blueberries – we ate all the last ones!  :-) )




And then Heather was looking for another stitcher to join the Lizzie*Kate Life’s a Stitch Travelling Pattern Stitcherhood…..  I threw my name in the hat, fully expecting not to be chosen because I was the first person to comment.  I was really hoping it might get others to comment in the long run since folks don’t want to be first as it seems the first commenter never wins….  :-)  You could have knocked me over with a feather when I discovered that I had won!  After strapping the pattern to a slow-moving turtle (inside joke), the pattern arrived yesterday:



Per the agreement of the Stitcherhood, I am officially dropping everything else I was stitching to focus on this charming little piece.  I pulled fabric and fibres:



I’m going to use a 28-count Opalescent (somewhat predictably – I like sparkly!) that was hand-dyed by Enchanting Lair (Ametrine, if you’re curious) and the above bunch of random fibres yanked from my stash.  There’s a good bit of Vikki Clayton silks in there.  I’ll start this evening (gotta feed the natives dinner first!)….


I took the kids to see the last Harry Potter movie this afternoon.  It was very well done and a fitting end to an epic saga.  I’m sad that it’s over, but so glad I’ve got the books to read again and again and the movies to watch as well.  Even better, I’ll get to watch my kids plow through the books again with me. 

TUSAL Update

 Saturday, July 02, 2011

I’m a wee bit late on posting my July TUSAL, but yesterday was Canada Day (Happy 144th Birthday Canada!) and I spent the majority of the day running hither and yon.  DS#1 was attending a farewell party for a friend who is moving to Australia (!), DS#2 was going camping with his grandparents and DH was trying to get some work done….  Between laundry and packing and driving, TUSAL slipped my mind completely.


But, better late than never, right?  Here we go:


07 July 1 2011

Not a ton of additions this month, I’m afraid.  I have been stitching, but mainly on CdC and since it’s all one colour, I’m not generating tons of ORTs….  I have made it round the corner now on Cirque, but my progress is little enough that I decided to skip a progress picture for now…..


I’m sure the coming week will be busy enough around here – DH will be trying to figure out how to re-attach the passenger side mirror on my van.  While I was working on Wednesday, it appears someone broke the mirror off, then carefully re-balanced it on the side of my van and left.  I know for a fact that when I went into work it was fine as I opened the door the mirror was attached to, yet when I returned to my van after finishing work, as I approached my van, the mirror looked as if it jumped off the side of my van as I didn’t touch it, yet it was suddenly dangling on the side.  Joy!  In the meantime, I’m driving around with my passenger window open and the mirror hanging on the inside.  A bit windy, but doing the job until DH figures out how to fix it.  Luckily for me, I married a handy guy.


Off to watch ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ with DS#1!  Do you know where your towel is?Happy

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