
 Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Dancing!

Yes! Finally finished the model and just to celebrate, I finished stitching this too:

Halloween by La-D-Da
from the 2009 Halloween JCS Issue
Stitched on random linen using GAST Raven & Burnt Orange

Shockingly, I didn't have any Belle Soie in my stash, so I just rummaged through the GAST pile and found those two colours. I'm very happy with how it turned out. It still needs ironing and then I'll likely make it into a little hanging ornament. Although maybe it would make a neat little Cube-it.... Hmmm.............

I'm happy to have the model complete ( a good week ahead of deadline no less!) so that I can get back to stitching things for me! I'm dying to get back to Cirque des Cercles. It's hardly seen the light of day for a couple of months now.

I'm off to mail the model to the designer - then it's Pizza Day at DS#2's school, so I'll be smelling of pizza for the afternoon!

Don't forget about the giveaway I've got for the Halloween Issue of JCS. I'll be drawing a name next Wednesday! If you want in, comment on this post.

 Sunday, September 20, 2009

Giveaway Alert, Giveaway Alert!

Well, it appears my memory is post-stamp sized and I've found myself with a duplicate copy of this (I guess I really wanted it!):

Since I really don't need two of them, my second copy is up for grabs. Just leave a comment on this post (and only this post) before Wednesday, September 30, 2009. I'll randomly draw a winner on October 1st. I'd appreciate it if you could post something on your own blog too to drag others here.

And you never know what might just join the magazine on its way to its new home..... (don't you just love a surprise???)

Catching Up....

As usual, I'm running behind and trying frantically to catch up. There's something about back-to-school that just makes it worse - and here we are at the end of the second week of school!

We are all adjusting to having a regular schedule again after a very long summer - 10 weeks of summer vacation was just a little too long somehow. Neither of my boys were completely thrilled to be going back to school (yet DS#2 insists that he wants to be a teacher when he grows up! :-) ), so I decided to prepare a little surprise for them. When they came downstairs for breakfast, they were each greeted with this:

I called it my 'Back To School Survival Kit' and filled it with all kinds of things with little motivational notes attached. It was cute and the kids had fun reading all the notes and finding the treats inside. I don't think it made either of them more eager to go back to school, but at least they enjoyed the surprise!

I've been stitching like a madwoman on the model I've got on the go - the end is in sight now though. I just have to finish the outermost border and put on the beads and that puppy is finished. I'll still have to proofread the chart and write all my pattern notes & corrections, but that's a quick job. This piece just keeps getting prettier and prettier. It'll be nice to show everyone what I've done, but I'd better wait until the designer clears it. :-)

Since I can't post a stitching picture today, I will post a picture of one of my furries. DS#2 snapped this one. My cats aren't allowed outdoors (in our neighbourhood it's a recipe for getting hit by a car!), but it doesn't stop one of them from wishing:

Time to get to back to work on the model!

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