
 Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking back and looking forward

I've done a little blog-surfing today and seem to have gotten caught up in the idea of a yearly review or recap. I've dug through my computer and realized, I've had a pretty busy year in the stitching world....

Let's see, what did I finish?

- 7 models stitched (5 for ANPT, 1 for Enchanting Lair & 1 for Dragon Dreams)
- Christmas Biscornu (freebie from Aurelle)
- Bouquet for Cheryl
- Britty Kitty's cat on a pumpkin
- Christmas Biscornu (a different freebie from Aurelle)
- Easter Dragonlet from Dragon Dreams
- Health and Happiness ornament from Blue Ribbon Designs
- Lizzie*Kate Double Flip - Living with Charm Series
- Needle Wizard Needlecase from Dragon Dreams
- Poppy from Nora Corbett
- 'Take a Break' kit found at the Cottage
- The Decorator - ornie from JCS
- Sun/Moon Scissor Fob from Teresa Wentzler & Jennifer Aikman-Smith
- Sleeping Dragon Ornament from Dragon Dreams
- Snowflake Ornament from Anna-Marie Winter

(you might need to scroll a bit to see the pictures!)

Not too shabby overall. I rarely stop to think about just how many things I actually finish in a year and reading others' blog posts made me stop and wonder just what I did. I'm actually somewhat impressed. I know the models took up most of my time this last year, especially because I don't work on other projects when I have a model in hand.

As for the year coming - I don't really want to set any goals, other than to stitch. I have tried to promise myself that I'll work on old class projects this year and I want to see if by some force of needle I can finish Nantucket Rose too. Of course, having said that, a bazillion models will appear all at once and stitching for myself will be a distant memory!

If you've been reading my blog, whether this is your first time here or your 5th (I don't flatter myself that anyone has read this more than that!), THANK YOU.

Happy New Year to one and all!

(Hmmmmm - I just noticed that this is my 98th post since I started to blog with some seriousness..... Wonder what might happen when I hit 100........)

 Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I've finally found a moment to pop over here and wish any and all a Happy Holidays! Whatever you celebrate, however you celebrate it, I hope it is happy and filled with those you love and those who love you.

Our Christmas has been pretty quiet, but not in a lonely way. We spent Christmas Eve with my parents and had such a nice quiet evening together. It was the first time I think I've relaxed in weeks. Christmas Day dawned with both my boys jumping on the bed - but they did wait until 9AM, so I can't complain too much. One large flurry of wrapping paper later and we all spent the day playing games together (video & board), reading, building (K'Nex's Icoaster, most notably) and just being together. I roasted a turkey breast for the 4 of us last night (no point in a whole turkey with just 4 of us to actually eat it!). Yummy!

I have had a case of finish-itis in the last few weeks, but haven't taken the time to take pictures before today. It's strange - I usually have startitis quite badly but in the last month I've had a really strong urge to finish things. So, here's what I've finished in the last month:

Lizzie*Kate Double Flips
Stitched on recommended fabric with recommended fibres

I loved, loved, loved this project. It was fast (when I actually put needle to fabric) and is full of words that need to be seen and heard regularly. With a bit of luck this will get framed someday. Sorry for the wrinkles - I neglected to iron before photographing!

Next in the finishing hit-list:

Sun and Moon Scissor Fob
by Teresa Wentzler of TW Designworks and Jennifer Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams
CreativFestival Class - 2006 (?)

These two pieces have been languishing in my stash for far too long. I had finished the moon shortly after I attended the class, but for some reason I was dragging my feet on the sun. I finally sat down and finished it off in no time at all. It will be made into a scissor fob, just as soon as I convince my sewing maching that it won't hurt a bit for it to sew a straight line.

Not too bad, right? Well, believe it or not, that isn't everything! (You can pick yourself up off the floor now.....)

Sleeping Dragon Ornament
by Jennifer Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams
CreativFestival Class - 2007 (?)

Here's another piece that falls into the 'why didn't I finish this sooner?' category. I fell in love with the little dude at the class, but for unknown reasons I never finished him off. I still need to sew together his little bed so he can hang on the tree, but the stitching is finished. He's such a little cutie.

Hold onto your hats folks - there's one more:

Snowflake Ornament
by Anna Marie Winter
Creativ Festival Class - 2008

This was one of the most interesting classes I've yet taken. We actually fused a piece of Organza to the mono canvas first and then stitched this little snowflake on top of the whole thing. It's very pretty and sparkly with some pretty beads too. I will make this into a Christmas ornament eventually, but it's doubtful it'll happen this Christmas!

I've developed a strange urge to work on old CreativFestival class pieces all of a sudden. I've gother another one in progress right now, but I'm not showing it off until it's done.

Hope everyone has had a great holiday season!

Off to stitch!

 Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Celebrating a Miracle....

Today is a special day in our household. Nine years ago today, this little person entered our world:

To say his entry into this world was a challenge would be an understatement. We were told to plan a funeral. We were told to not expect much if by some chance he did survive.

He's had his challenges:

No, he's not in jail - but he is in hospital, recovering from surgery #1, at about 13 months old.

And here he is again, recovering from surgery #6, shortly before his 6th birthday.

But despite the hospital stays, the surgeries, the worry and the fear, today, we're celebrating this:

Because today, we can celebrate Bryce turning 9. We can celebrate putting 7 surgeries behind us. We can celebrate proving all those nay-sayers wrong and showing them perfection.

Happy Birthday little B. Mommy loves you.

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