
 Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me....

Today is my birthday and I realize I'm not a kid anymore - I'm really not that excited about them. But, it was awfully cute to find adorable cards from DH and the kidlets this morning and to have both of the Grade 2 lunchrooms that I supervise sing me Happy Birthday. I just could have done without the 'Are you 1? Are you 2? Are you 3?.... ' part. I told them to stop because it would probably take the entire lunch time to count that high! ;-)

It'll likely be a quiet day today, seeing that it is Monday. However yesterday we had a birthday party for both me and my Mom - her birthday was April 30. We were also celebrating her finally getting her cast off. She's still swollen and sore, but happy to be able to scratch again.

Today I'm also left thinking about my other mother - the one who hauled me around for 9 months and made an astonishing choice - to give me up for adoption. I'm so sad that I've never been able to meet Ellie (my birthmother) and tell her how grateful I am for her choice. She gave me to two people who wanted me so much it's hard to believe. I recently finished reading this book:

It details the stories of dozens of women who in the 1950s, 60s and 70s relinquished children for adoption. After reading it I think I have a little better idea of just what my birthmother faced when she got pregnant out of wedlock.

So, today, I miss her and am sorry I can't meet her or talk to her.

I am blessed though by her brother and his wife who have gladly welcomed me into the family and who remember my birthday, every year since I found them.

Stitchwise: I'm living in the land of the never ending models, so nothing to share today. I'm still resisting the urge to open my mystery can, but barely. My friend and I are getting together on Wednesday, so I imagine we'll fall to the urge then. It's hard though. It just sits there on the bookcase, taunting me. Can't you hear it? Evil bit of goods that is.

I think I'll go kit up Nora Corbett's "Poppy" that I picked up a couple of weeks ago. There's just something about it I can't resist - and maybe that's just what I need for a birthday treat to me.


Meari 11:06 AM  

Happy Belated Birthday, Erica!

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