September TUSAL
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Wow! It’s hard to believe that the new moon has come and gone again. The summer sure seems to have dashed by quickly!
Today it’s a bit of a grey and rainy day, but it’s hard to mind overly much when I’ve got a kitty curled by my side. Here’s my jar for this month:
There’s a few ORTs in there – but not nearly as many as I might have dropped in there. I seem to have lost a little of my needlework mojo. Although I tend to think of it more as conserving energy since the CreativFestival is coming up in less than a month. 5 days of classes, shopping and fun with friends I only get to see once a year. This year will be even better for me since I had to miss last year’s Festival.
I did have a small finishing-finish this past month:
This is a biscornu I started ages and ages ago after I won a drawing over at ‘The Sparklie Things Blog’ (still one of my favourite blog names of all time!). I won the linen, the Kreinik, the WDW and the buttons – beautifully handmade by Karen herself….. I stitched up the biscornu quite a while ago but got stalled on the putting-it-together part. I kept forgetting to buy stuffing. Finally I got my act together and my butt in gear and got it finished. I’m really happy with how it turned out.
So I mentioned last month how much of a menace I am to wool and all things knitterly….. Well, I decided it was time to buckle down and get serious about things. I’ve been trying to knit a pair of socks for ages and failing miserably. I tried different patterns, different needles, different wool……. Apparently I am the problem. But I persevered and look what came off the needles a couple of weeks ago:
Look! A sock! It’s got a ton of flaws and mistakes in it (and I genuinely suck at picking up the heel stitches), but it’s the first thing that I’ve knitted that looks sock-like. And I can even get it on my foot. I still recall another sock that I could barely get on my foot…..
Flushed with the success of sock 1, I elected to see if lightning could strike twice and miracle of miracles, it did:
They are actually the same colour – the picture is a bit off. I am amazed that I’ve got a pair of socks that actually fit. Far from perfect, but for my first successful sock knitting attempt, I’m not going to complain too much. I just won’t wear them where anyone who can knit can actually see them. I’m not that dumb.
If anyone is interested, the pattern is a freebie I found on Ravelry called Dragonfly Socks. I think I may not have made the best wool/pattern match up here, but I’m still happy with the result. And they’re finished.
Naturally, in honour of all this finishing going on, I immediately started something new:
This is a start on Mirabilia’s Halloween Fairy. It’s a limited edition kit that I picked up quite a while ago when I found it on sale for a great price. I’m getting in the mood for Halloween right now, so out she came. I’ve wanted to stitch her for so long!
Anyway, I think I’ll go stitch for a bit. I’ve got to get some things done for work as things are gearing up for me in that arena, but I think I need a little me time. I’ve been spending days and days counting beads, sorting pipecleaners, counting paperwork & bookmarks and just getting a million little jobs done. All this work now will pay off later when I’m super busy again.