TUSAL Time & Canvaswork Crazies
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Well, the calendar on the wall indicates that today is the new moon, which naturally means that it’s time for this month’s TUSAL:
The jar certainly took a respectable jump this past month – mostly because I seem to have come down with a case of Canvaswork Crazies…. Ever since I finished Golden Reminiscence I’ve been on a tear through canvaswork projects of old. I’ve even finished one of them:
by Anna Marie Winter
Stitched on 18-count White Mono Canvas
with Kreinik Silk Mori, Silk Serica, #4 & #8 braid, Paillettes & Mill Hill Beads
This was a class piece from the CreativFestival at some point in the last few years. I really love this piece and don’t know why I didn’t drag it out sooner to finish it. It’s just pretty, pretty, pretty.
Then, since I had an urge for more canvaswork, out came this piece:
This piece is called Solitary Flight and again, it’s a piece by Anna Marie Winter that was taught at the CreativFestival at some point in the last few years. I’m working my way through the background in a braided fence pattern in 5 strands of Silk Mori. It’s highly soothing and repetitive. I have a bad case of waste knot-itis and I really need to trim and bury ends….. (Although if I leave them, I’ll soon be stitching over them and they’ll bury themselves – much less work for me!). Once the background is done I’ll be stitching a gorgeous dragonfly over the background. You can see the finished piece here (scroll down a bit – it’s partway down the page – and I really, really want the 5 fans kimono & the golden kimono now…. Reflections is in my stash already….)
I think I’ll head back to the stitching chair for a little more time with Solitary Flight’s background…..