
 Monday, February 25, 2008

Life in the Fast Lane....

Egads! Has it really been 3 weeks since I posted last?

Life continues here, but at a seemingly rapid pace. I've been running flat out since my last post, mostly doing volunteer work at DS#2's school. His class is presently studying pioneers (Grade 3) and they decided to make a scrap quilt. I sew badly at best, but I've always wanted to learn how to make a quilt. So, with DS#2's teacher's guidance and a lot of help from the kids, we're in the midst of making a crazy quilt. The kids all brought in old jeans or corduroy pants. They then traced the pattern pieces onto their old pants, cut them up and have since been sewing them back together. It's been a fun projects - we've had the kids doing much of the sewing on a sewing machine whose speed we can turn down so that we don't have a bloody finger quilt! I'll post a photo when we get it finished - hopefully a few more days this week and we'll have it under control.

In between all the quilting, we've had a nasty flu-like bug floating around the house - DS#2 fell with it first over a week ago, then DS#1 got it. After a 5 day reprieve, DH got it and now I'm displaying distinct symptoms of it too. Yick. I'm hoping I won't get it too bad, but judging by how nauseous I'm feeling right now, things don't look too promising. Oh well.

I have been stitching these last 3 weeks, though! Here are some pictures.

First up is a progress picture of Bouquet for Cheryl that I started a few months ago. It got put aside for some of the model work I've been doing, but it's now getting so close to being finished that I can smell it.

Next is a picture of the CreativFestival 20th anniversary sampler that I'm working on as a SAL with a friend of mine. The block on the left is meant to represent scrapbooking (we'll add some ribbon and buttons later to finish the look). The middle block is intended to represent a crazy quilt and has some pretty surface embroidery stitches on to. The right block is intended to represent a 9 patch quilt. That block is slowly driving me crazy as it has a ton of confetti in it, but thankfully it's small and we'll soon move on to much more interesting things!

Last up is my February Christmas ornament - I'm a little behind on this one, but with a bit of luck I'll get it under control by the end of the week. It's a Blue Ribbon Designs freebie that I found on their website:

And in my spare (!?!) time, I've been working on this, or rather, these:

What are these strange, tube-like things, you ask? Maybe this will help:

Still confused? They're socks, meant for me, but being modeled by DS#2 as he's the only one I could get to put them on and there was no way I could take a decent picture of my own feet in them.

You see, I decided this year to challenge myself. I'm not much of a knitter. In fact, I'd say I'm a pretty pathetic knitter, but I've been drawn to pictures of knitted socks for months now. So, I decided to give it a go when I found some cheap sock wool at Michaels. Worst case scenario, I'd be out $10. Surprisingly enough I've managed to produce two socks. They even match in their patterning. They're even the same size. How's that for a miraculous foray into sock knitting!?

Of course, there is a down-side:

I think I may need help.

 Monday, February 04, 2008


After two months of going to physio 3 times a week, I have officially been paroled! It's given me back over 7 & 1/2 hours a week! Yipee! I still have to do work at home to continue strengthening various muscle groups and I still need to get myself walking normally (I'm almost there), but at least I don't have to drag myself over to the physio place anymore. Besides, I'm out of insurance money. :-)

I have to just finish a little bit of backstitch on the model to finish - I needed to have a last minute chat with the designer as I couldn't tell what colours some backstitch was supposed to be, otherwise it would have been done already. My fault though - I didn't realize I didn't know what to do until I was almost done the backstitch. If I'd been smarter, I would have discovered that sooner! Oh well, I have my answers now, so I just need to sit down for 5 minutes and polish it off!

'Tis a good day!

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