
Late, Late TUSAL

 Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Well, I was going to post on time – or close to it.  Really!  But the day I intended to post, the tragedy at Sandy Hill occurred and I just haven’t had the heart to post.  I am so saddened by what happened at that school.  So sorry for all those families who have lost a loved one.  My heart aches for all of them.




Time moves forward and one can’t stay still.  I will remember the names of the victims of this tragedy.

So, it’s time for the last TUSAL post of 2012.  I missed last month entirely – but when the date came around, I realized I hadn’t been stitching at all and actually had no ORTs to report.  November was an exceptionally busy month for me (just like last year) and I really worked hard at getting lots of rest so as to not get as sick as I did last year.  I did manage to avoid getting sick although it wasn’t for a lack of trying.  I’ve had two kids attempt to throw up on me in November – different school and different grades!  And apparently I almost had a 3rd barfer at another school – he threw up just 10 minutes before we were supposed to start.  I’m very glad to be done work now until January.


So, on a more pleasant note – here’s the ORT jar:

There haven’t been many additions to the jar, but there are a few new ORTs.  I did manage to finish something:


Silver Dragon Sampler

By Dragon Dreams
Stitched on 28 count White Opalescent Lugana with a mix of DMC, Caron Waterlilies & Kreinik #4 VFB

This is a class that I took at the CreativFestival this past October.  I really wanted to finish this piece before the end of the year and it was a nice easy stitch to work through.  I have a feeling I’ll finish-finish this as a flat fold.  I really like all the silvers in this piece and it is quite a change of pace for Jennifer Aikman-Smith, the designer.

My Halloween Fairy got a little attention as well:


She’s starting to look more like a person and less like a blob.  Always good progress to make!

Even though I haven’t done a ton of stitching lately, I have been torturing other fibres by attempting to knit with them.  I haven’t picked up another pair of socks just yet – I’m still looking for the right pattern, but I did start playing with some scarves for some simple knits.  First I’ve been working on this snake-like thing:


It’s a really pretty pattern, but this scarf will need some major blocking when it’s done (I’ll call it done when I run out of the fibre I’m knitting it with!).  Here’s a close up of the pattern (please, no comments on my dreadful knitting skills, ‘K?  I’m new at this!):


It’s called Spicer’s Autumn Leaf Scarf and I found it as a freebie here.  There’s also a hat to go with it, but I’m not a hat person, so I’ll skip it.

And since the holidays are so close I found some fluffy novelty yarn on sale and decided to make a shiny, pretty scarf to wear over the holidays:


I only need to knit a teensy bit more and this one will be finished.  This fluffy yarn is fun to play with and requires no skill (which is a good thing, considering who is torturing the yarn, after all). 

I’ve been working hard at resisting the urge to start the Dragon Dreams 12 Days of Christmas ornaments that Jen has been posting on FB.  They are *so* cute though!

Anyway, I’d better get back to the annual holiday bake-a-thon!  Lots left to bake!

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