
TUSAL–and it’s almost on time!

 Saturday, July 21, 2012

Well I noticed around blog-land that it’s TUSAL time – I’m late, as usual, but at least only by a day or so, rather than an entire month!




Here’s my jar’s beauty shot for the month (taken at night in bad light – apologies for its absolute crap-tastic-ness!):


Its taken a decent jump in the last month.  It would have taken a larger jump if I hadn’t misplaced one of my portable ORT-ports that I carry around with me.  It seems to have grown legs and wandered off unattended.  I’ll find it eventually.

I’ve made great strides in my Fleur-de-Lys class from Laura J. Perin – I’ve finished just about everything – I just need to do a little backstitch around the leaves and petals of the centre iris and it’ll be finished.  I so enjoyed this piece and am sorry to see it end.


Fleur de Lys

Cyber-Class from Laura J. Perin Designs
Stitched on 18-count Sage Mono canvas using DMC floss & pearl cotton, Caron Collection Watercolours, YLI Ribbon Floss, ThreadworX Overdyed Floss & Kreinik #8 braid

I also got my act together and managed to frame up a couple of pieces.  They’re far from perfect, but are good enough to hang on the walls.  First up is Moon Garden from Blackbird Designs:


I’m not sure just where I’ll hang this just yet, but I have a feeling it’ll end up in the guest room.

Then there’s Poppy, from Mirabilia/Nora Corbett:


I stitched this piece shortly after it was released as I fell in love on sight with it.  It’s going to hang in the newly-refurbished powder room.  It’s finally finished thanks to DH’s hard work:


The red in the left-hand picture is truer to the actual paint colour.  I’m quite happy with the finished product overall.  The room seems much bigger now that we removed the old vanity and went with a pedestal sink.  We just need to hang Poppy and a piece of artwork my friend, Teresa Wentzler, drew for me a few years ago.  I need to get the right frame for it and then it’ll hang in this little room too.

We’re off to the wild for the next week – camping with family.  DH has quite an event planned for his nieces and nephews (and our own sons too, of course).  But I’m not sharing details now – you’ll have to wait until we get home.  It should make for an entertaining trip!

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