
 Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A quick run around blog-land had me noticing that it’s TUSAL day. You’ll have to forgive the dark pictures – the Scientist was working all day today and couldn’t take a picture until it was dark out. Of course, even if I had taken a picture in daylight, it wouldn’t have been much better – all it seems to do around here is rain, rain and rain some more.

Anyway, here’s the jar:

May 3 2011

There’s lots of black thread in there this month because I’ve been sewing with a lot of black. I’m still working on a sewing project for work, so I can’t yet show the results. Wish I could get about 30 more hours in a day so I could get it all done. The bits of green are from my current model. If I put floss to fabric, I should finish it tonight.

The retreat this past weekend was great. Very, very busy and tiring, but things like that usually are….especially when you’re one of the folks running the thing. I met some new stitchers who were all very welcoming and I even got to renew some friendships with some other friends who I’ve met elsewhere. The weather was lovely in Gananoque too. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if my cold hadn’t turned into laryngitis. I croaked through the whole weekend. I must have looked worse than I thought though as on Saturday, I was forcibly put to bed for a nap. The nap did help. My voice isn’t quite back yet, but I’m hopeful for a quick return. A croaking Scientist is no fun!

Anyway, I’m off to finish that model. The Scientist is off tomorrow (yay!) but has lots and lots of things to do get ready for the next few weeks. I hope my voice will hold out!

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