
 Monday, March 22, 2010

All work and no play.....

...make me a *very* bad blogger and a very dull stitcher....

I've spent most of the last 6 weeks working almost daily. It's been crazy. For the first time ever I had a couple of bookings over March Break as well. I have had the odd day off here and there, but for the most part it's been nose-to-the-grindstone working. I added another topic to my science roster - one all about the 5 senses for the Kindergarten crowd. It's a fun topic. I've presented the workshop 21 times in the last 3 weeks.

As my reward now though, I've got 3 weeks off! Of course, there's still lots of *other* work to do - like for Gitta's Getaway, but that will be a really nice change of pace from working with the 3 - 5 year old set.

Since things have been so hectic, I really haven't been stitching much, so there's very little progress to report. I do have a few pictures to share though.

First up is the birth sampler I finished about a month ago - it's back from the framer's and will be off to its new home shortly (the black squares are from my blanking out the baby's information!)....

I'm really happy with how I framed this - I didn't want a mat or glass - I felt this piece is rustic and antique-y looking (okay, antique-y isn't a word - just work with me here!) and I wanted the frame to look like it's been on a pirate ship for a while..... :-)

Next up - there's been a little progress on CdC. I think this piece will have to come out of my 'grab and go' bag now since DS#2 is finished curling for the year - I would generally work on it while he curled. Still loving it.....

Next up is a piece I don't think I've shared before. It's a freebie from Pelin Tezer called Moire. I've had this piece floating around as my 'work' piece - it lives in the bag I take when I'm working and I stitch during my lunch-time. I'm not usually a huge fan of pinks (I'm more of a purple girl), but I really like the gradiation of these pinks. It's very soft.

I may work on this a little more intensively for a bit since it's getting close to being finished.

And last, but not least, I have put in a little time with LotD. I've finally moved on to some colour!

I'm off to bake something - I haven't baked in an age or two. I'm thinking bread is in order. It's a cold day today and it would warm up the house quite nicely!

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