
 Saturday, February 27, 2010

This, that and the other thing....

Life continues to run at hyper-speed around here - and add in a whole lot of another trip down how-sick-can-she-get lane and I'm almost at the end of my rope. On the up side, things surely have to improve from here - I can't believe they're going to be much worse.

There's not been a ton of stitching going on, but I realized today that I do have a couple of progress pictures to post.

I've been playing with CdC when I've been out and about - mostly when I'm sitting and watching DS#2 at curling. Progress is slow, but I'm not minding at all. I still get that little thrill through the system every time I pick it up. Here's where it is right now:

And I've been playing with Legends of the Dragons as well, although not nearly as much as I'd like:

I'm going to try and finish most of the border around Majesty and then work at filling Majesty in. As much as I love the overdyed floss I'm using, I can sense a little boredom starting to creep in - so time to shake things up and add some colour!

Because I've not been feeling 100%, I've often been too tired to concentrate on stitching when I've finally had a free moment, so my knitting has been jumping into my hands as of late. I've been working on this scarf for DS#2 for what seems like an age.... He may get to wear it this winter - I think we've decided I only need to do 5 or 6 more repetitions of the pattern and it'll be done. I'm quite impressed with how it's turning out - I've never done cables before (I mentioned I'm quite the inept knitter, didn't I?), so I'm surprised I haven't messed this up.

Yes, it is quite an eye-searing green. DS#2 picked out the wool - and it's an excellent match to some of the greens in his winter coat. He's going to be quite happy with it. The pattern I'm using does have a name and I downloaded it from somewhere on-line. At the moment, the pattern is upstairs, the URL is on a presently defunct HD on my PC and I've not got the energy to get one of the two together and post the info. When it's finished I'll post all the gory details, if you're interested.

And lastly, my LNS had a little open house last night to show off some of the great finds from Nashville. There were lots of neat goodies there - but I'm still wishing there wasn't such a heavy emphasis on all the primitives and reproduction samplers. I like them 'n all, but I'd really like a good dragon to add to my collection. Here's what did manage to jump into my hands:

My haul included La-D-Da's Toil and Trouble, two pieces from Needle Delights (Cobalt and Violet), A Stitcher's Story from Cherry Woods Design Studio, a chunk of Pistachio linen from Enchanting Lair (I'm planning on using some of it to stitch this), a couple of the new Weeks fibres (they were too pretty to pass up) - Monkey Grass and Boysenberry and I got a whole pile of great little freebies - the ones from SB and La-D-Da are calling my name pretty loudly. I also grabbed a mesh bag to give it a try-out. I've always wanted one and just never picked one up before.

Well, it's time for a little lie down again....

 Monday, February 22, 2010


The last month seems to have dashed by at hyper-speed. I have been working as 'Scientist Erica' almost daily for the month and it's been exhausting to say the least. Add in all the kids evening activities plus the addition of a winter concert (DS#1), an application workshop for middle school (DS#2), teacher appreciation luncheon (DS#2's school), stuff for the Getaway...... I'm rather impressed that I'm still standing.

And just to add to the fun and games, I picked up a wicked cold (that was thankfully short-lived). And then, just to add to the fun and games, I got to spend this past weekend locked in a very small room with 17 other people to get my CPR and First Aid certification. Some of those 17 people were teenagers. Male teenagers. You should feel sorry for me. I'm amazed the fug didn't knock me unconscious. On the up side, I'm all certified and ready to help. I'm just hoping that I'll never need to use my new skills. I'm glad I have them available, but I hope I won't need to use them.

So, between all that, needle has hardly touched fabric. I miss it terribly. Before things got super-super busy, I did manage to finish off one thing:

Treasure Me
by Sam Sarah Design Studio
Stitched on 28-count hand-dyed from Zweigart
Using recommended GAST and Weeks, although I used DMC for the baby's skin and eyes

The messy bit off to the right is where I blurred out the baby's name and birthdate - some things just aren't meant to go on-line!

This was a highly enjoyable piece to stitch and came together very quickly. Good large blocks of one colour, very little backstitching - good things in a small piece. I'll need to get it framed and mailed off to the recipient. I hope they'll like it.

Things are finally starting to calm down a bit - I only work 2 days this week so I'm hopeful I'll get some stitching time back in. I want to spend more time on LOTD. And my canvaswork piece too. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

To be fair, March isn't looking too promising - I work every day for the first two weeks of March. I imagine I'll be at babbling idiot stage by then. Whee.

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