Sunday, November 22, 2009
Here, there and everywhere....
I've been a terribly absent blogger, but not due to lack of desire - more due to a lack of time. My November working as Scientist Erica has been really, really busy. I've only had the odd day off here and there the whole month and on those rare days off, I've spent them catching up with all the stuff that just accumulates - laundry, groceries, cleaning, etc. All the not-so-fun stuff that comes around when you're a grown-up.
Today I've finally managed to catch a breath and I decided it was time to catch up a bit.
I have been stitching quite a bit, but two of the projects I've been working on I can't show - one is a model and the other is a birthday present (and I'm no longer sure if the recipient reads my blog, so I'm not taking any chances!).... But! I still have pictures:
Once I managed to catch a breath after the Festival, the first thing I had to pick up was Teresa Wentzler's 'Sparkling Hearts'. Once Teresa announced the closing of her business, I felt compelled to stitch one of the last pieces she's produced. Nevermind the fact that I think it's gorgeous. I finished it in a couple of evenings and I've made it into a pin that I wear when I'm working. It's so pretty and sparkly that it's impossible to get a good picture of it, but here's the best one I took of about 10 shots:
Class from CreativFestival 2009
Designed by Teresa Wentzler of TW Designworks
Stitched on 14-count perforated paper with Magnifica beads and DMC
This piece sparkles and shimmers in whatever light there is. I wish I could capture the beauty of it. Teresa kindly included another pattern with this one that is similar in shape but allows one to put their initials in it. I think I may slowly work away at purchasing the required Magnificas and then stitch it (Magnificas are awfully darned expensive!!!!!).
Other stitching on parade:
This is a freebie by Whispered by the Wind that I started early in October with the hopes of finishing it for this Halloween. Clearly, I didn't quite make it - although there's only the spiderwebs to finish and one band at the bottom. I'm going to be really, really early for next Halloween.... :-)
My other WIP at the moment:
I'm really enjoying Cirque and I'm in no rush to get it finished. It looks so darned pretty. I have to admit though, I was pretty darned excited when I made it down to the bottom and started working my way across...
I've saved the best for last. A couple of weeks ago, I offered to take Heather to Gittas for stitch night. Heather reminds me so much of myself when I was at home with a toddler and had no one around to stitch with. It makes me incredibly happy to be able to offer Heather a way to get out to Gitta's and spend time with some adults (kids are wonderful, but every now and then, don't you just need to have a conversation that doesn't involve bottles or toilet training???). Heather, being the kind and generous person she is, gave me the most wonderful thank-you present (which was totally unnecessary but is most gratefully accepted!):
Isn't that the prettiest Biscornu? I just love it! One can never have too many lucky cats in their life. The lucky cat buttons are just perfect. I feel awfully lucky to own such a pretty thing! Thanks again Heather!
And to top it off, Heather also gave me two charts too:
Well, I imagine I've spent enough time playing on the computer and I should probably go and scrub a toilet or two. I only have to work one day next week and then I'm off until January. With a bit of luck I might actually have enough time to get all my Christmas shopping done!