
 Sunday, September 28, 2008

I got nuthin'...

I'm working madly on models at the moment so I've got nothing of stitchy-interest to share. I'm happy to report that one of two models has returned to the designer and she's busy doing the finishing. I can't wait to see the finished product on that one. It'll be beautiful. The second model is coming along swimmingly - it'll be a fast finish. I'm hopeful to finish it in the next week. Cross your fingers in the meantime!

Here's some random entertainment, just to fill the space:

Your Psyche is Violet

You are spiritual, intuitive, and serene.

People trust you to rescue them from bad situations, and you usually come through.

While you are quite enlightened, you find that your path is very lonely.

When you are too violet: you can't connect to ordinary life or ordinary people

When you don't have enough violet: you lack wisdom and can't learn from the past

And just for a giggle:

Your Autumn Test Results

You are a dynamic, vibrant person. You aren't afraid to pursue your passions.

When you're happiest, you are outgoing and expressive . You love celebrations, and you enjoy showing off a little.

You tend to be afraid of change. You are never ready for things to be different.

You find love to be the most comforting thing in the world. You feel at peace when you're with your loved ones.

Your ideal day is active and full. You like to keep busy with your favorite things, and you appreciate a routine.

You are very impatient. You spend more time waiting for something than actually enjoying it.

Enough silliness for today! Off to stitch.

 Monday, September 22, 2008

Pardon the dust....

...just that time of year to renovate the template....

Will be back with something far more interesting soon.....

 Saturday, September 13, 2008

Life, Interrupted

Somehow that just about describes how I'm feeling right now.... Ever since the boys headed back to school I feel like I've been running non-stop. My friend and I started asking/collecting prizes for the school's chocolate fundraiser the day after school started. We're very lucky that the retailers in our city are so generous. We haven't counted up the tally yet, but I'm sure we're closing in on 50 or 60 different small prizes for our students. We try to do a daily draw once the kids start selling chocolate in order to get them to bring the money back sooner. We're hoping to end up with around 200 prizes (there are about 650 students in the school, from JK to Grade 5) so that the kids have a pretty good chance of winning something. Last year we were able to get donations of 205 prizes. This year we've started earlier, hit more retailers and are getting a lot more interest. It's a lot of work, but it's fun work and heck, who doesn't like spending someone else's money??? (most retailers are giving us a small gift card that we use in the store to purchase prizes).

Then just to throw a wrench into the works, I had quite a surprise the first week back to school. I had applied to be a Presenter with a group called Scientists in School quite a long time ago. At the time that I applied, I got a politely worded 'we're not hiring now' letter and figured that was the end of it. Last week they called for an interview and I got the job! It's perfect for me right now as it's only part-time with such flexible hours it's amazing. I get to go into schools and present a wide range of science-based topics that are tightly tied to the school curriculum. It's perfect for me and going to be a ton of fun! We're still working out just who my team leader will be and what workshop I'll be learning to present first and I have to get another criminal record check done too, but it's all in motion! I'm excited and can't wait to get started. It'll be perfect to show my inner geek (whoops, is that my Math degree showing????). :-)

So, when I haven't been at an interview or running around town spending other folks' money, I've been working on the two models I've got on the go right now. I had expected to be completely done one of them by now, but some small problems have slowed me down. I should finish this weekend, especially since the weather is supposed to be crappy! Then I get to do the fun model (although truth be told, they're both fun!). :-)

However, I *do* have something stitchy to show. I was very fortunate to win a blog drawing over at inside number twenty back in August. The postman finally agreed that I could have it last week, and I'm finally getting around to showing the kindness I've been given:

I actually won the Lizzie*Kate Snippet "Praise Your Children", but when I opened the envelope, the JBW design "The Singing Bird" also dropped out. Aren't I just the luckiest thing? Thank you so much Monique! I can't wait until I have time to stitch them both.

We're off to spend a little time at our local fall fair today - hopefully the rain will hold off until at least we've managed a bumper car ride!

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